About Us

Welcome to Naked Toes!

As a father of five kids, Nick, the co-founder of Naked Toes, was getting frustrated every time one of his kids would tell him that they lost one of their flip flops or that a strap ripped on a pair. And as one can imagine, at $60, $70 or $80 (and sometimes more) per pair it was getting a little expensive to replace flip flops and sandals for six kids.

After brainstorming with his wife, the idea of Naked Toes was born. And the idea of Naked Toes was simple – sell quality sandals and flip flops at an affordable price. That’s it!

Soon after their brainstorming session, Nick and his family started sourcing flip flops and sandals to sell. They soon discovered that it was easier said than done. Sourcing sandals and flip flops at the height of the supply chain crisis was not exactly an easy task. However, they soon overcame those challenges and launched NakedToes.com.

The Naked Toes motto is Toes Were Meant to Be Naked!



At Naked Toes we are committed to offering quality sandals and flip flops at an affordable price. We know that our customers work hard for their money, and we want to provide the best value to our customers.

We are passionate about what we offer at Naked Toes, and we strive to exceed our customers’ expectations and we continuously seek to improve our service and products.

We are committed to a healthy environment, and we strive to do more with less.

This our commitment to you!